After many weeks of trying to figure out what to do with this blog, I finally came to a conclusion: I suck at blogging. That being said, I had to come up with something that someone would read. Thanks to a very old friend of mine who came up from his tropical paradise in Florida to the, err, not so tropical Keystone State, my muse finally clobbered me upside the head with a proverbial two-by-four.
All my life, I have struggled with esteem and weight issues. Although I was considered smart in school, I was a chronic underachiever who just wanted to "get by" with the minimum. I had a parent who was abusive and demanding, while he himself, as I found out later, was also an underachiever who constantly got into trouble at work and in other extracurricular activities. I guess after he got smacked around by his bosses, he came home to take it out on my mother and me. Pffft, whatever. The main issue is that wonderful childhood manifested into a mediocre adulthood. Ill-advised, I changed majors in college to one that I don't have a natural aptitude for. I had a couple iffy relationships before I married a nice-enough girl who unfortunately had too many demons of her own; needless to say that marriage failed. Yes, I've had struggle after struggle. And I'm sick of it.
That leads me to the point of this diatribe. What I'm going to blog about is the positive steps I am going to take to better myself, get out of this funk, and be the man I know I can be. One of the biggest topics I will be talking about is my weight loss; how I am a chunky monkey now, but will eventually be that sixpack stud that everyone sees in the Fireman-of-the-Month calendars. I will be periodically posting my fitness progress on this blog. I also want to talk about furthering my career; right now I'm employed but I am looking to find something more meaningful and fulfilling (it's not about the money). Granted, one can't be too careful talking openly about careers on a medium possibly seen by current and prospective employers. But I want to convey to you, dear reader, the sense that one should not fear making a change for the better if you don't like the direction you're going in now. The hardest part is taking the first step.
This is my first step.
Awww, hopefully you are done beating yourself up. Focus on one little thing each week, so you can start off with successes. These will motivate you to take on the bigger steps gradually.
ReplyDeleteThis approach has worked for me several time. Most recently, it worked when I got divorced and climbed out from under a mountain of debt in 14 months. I ate a lot peanut butter and jelly, but it had to start with little things because it was so depressing and depriving. First, I bought some peanut butter and strawberry jam. Then, I cut the cable bill by 100%. Next I made sure I turned off the lights whenever I left the room. I replaced most of the bulbs with CFL's.
OK, I think you get my drift. Maybe tomorrow you park further from your place of work than you need to. Walk a little further. Drink a few more glasses of water. And good luck! You can do this!
(formerly known as Little One)
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I guess you can see that I'm heavy (no pun intended) into poking a little fun at myself.