Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dad's Back to His Ol' Self

I didn't have an opportunity to post anything yesterday because I was picking up where my dad left off in preparing my grandparents' old house for sale. He was doing most of the work, but for obvious reasons now he's going to have to hang up that job for a while. I did get to see him briefly last evening, and he's starting to look better. He was more responsive, and at his insistence we put the Penn State game on for him on the TV in his room. The dude loves his Lions, but even he admitted that he probably wouldn't be able to stay awake for the whole game.

I didn't get an opportunity to visit with him today, but my mother and brother did. Apparently, he was even more alert than he was last night. He admitted that he stayed awake for all but the last eight minutes of the football game, and that was only because he knew at that point Penn State was done for. We found out why he wasn't eating that much; in a nutshell, the hospital was feeding him crap. My dad is a notoriously picky eater, and there are several taboo foods you never feed him: mushrooms, peppers, onions, green beans, any kind of barbecue sauce on meat, to name a few. My mother got a hold of the menu yesterday, and picked out stuff he'll actually eat; and today, he was wolfing his food down. Things are looking good for a possible Tuesday release; and that's when he'll find out about the fauna faux pas I had on Thursday night with his van. Gulp.

Maybe in a couple days I'll actually resume writing about my workouts, or lack thereof as is the case now. One thing I can say; tonight, I finally had culinary freedom to make whatever I wanted, and I chose sloppy joes with a side salad (I omitted the bun and used lean ground beef). It was darn tasty.

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